Friday, January 29, 2010

Woman stabbed to death in south Dublin

Yesterday morning, the body of a dead woman was found in a hotel in Dundrum, south Dublin.

Gardai are still investigating the case. The woman was a Romanian national in her 30s. Another non-Irish national with knife wounds was transported to the hospital. Gardai did not yet share further details about the case.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The youngest murder-victim so far: a baby

This morning, the death of a 10-day-old baby from Navan, County Meath was upgraded to a murder-case.

Apparently it happened at a party in Lusk, North County Dublin, in the night of the 7th of January.
The post-mortem seems to show that the baby died from "blunt force trauma to the head", and other bruisings to the body.

Even I am not willing to comment further on this. It's just a very sad story, and I guess the best thing that happened to this baby was to NOT grow up with this kind of parents and in this kind of country.

And it continous: Stabbing in Dublin!

Phew! I just started to become a little bit afraid after a couple of stabbing- and murder-free days. Were people in Dublin becoming more civilized?
But no, they just took some deep breaths, and the butchery continues!

Yesterday, two men were hospitalised after a double (!) stabbing in Loughlinstown, Dublin.
It's not murder as nobody died, but it shows that a real Dubliner also stabs others on a wintry cold afternoon. No more sheep to herd 'round here, and no more money to go for pints, so why not try a good, old-fashioned stabbing, ey`?

A murder case from Arklow, where a shopkeeper was stabbed to death in the night of the 25th November 2009 was further considered before the court today. The murder seems to be a 19 y.o. thug. That's relatively old and mature for killers in this country...

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"The Don" may have fled the country

When animals sense danger, they run.
When human animals sense danger, they ofter run, too.

There is a human animal living in the Dublin suburb of Finglas. He's a mean gangster, sending out his ogres to kill other not-so-innocent people. He never acts directly, and although his name and address are known to the police, until now the animal felt secure enough to walk the rugged streets of Dublin's filthy northside without worrying too much about his future.

But now the animal has sensed immediate danger, it seems. That is also the fault of local policeforce. A few days ago, a retired police officer who served in Finglas wrote a lenghty article about the animal who likes to call himself "The Don". Voices are getting louder to arrest the dog.

Thank you, Garda, your PR efforts seem to be more effective than Irish legislation. The pig has left the country. The bloody wankers' gone and all we can hope now is that he dies a painful, cancer- or accident-related death.

Great job, you fools!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Murder in Cork

And the 5th shotgun victim 2010 is... Gerard Staunton!

He was shot dead in a drug-related situation yesterday evening. The killer escaped. He rode a red Toyota Liteace (construction year 1992, registered in Cork), the abandoned car was found in the Castlewhite / Waterfall area of Cork.

22 days in 2010 and already 5 shotgun killings - who needs IRA bombings when he's got pseudo-mafiosi and a desperate, undereducated populace in search of ultimate drug kicks...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"The Godfather of Dublin"? Likely not!

Interesting article about a human animal living in Finglas and taking himself for some kind of glamorous mafiosi. They call him "The Don" and he's responsible for at least 13 murders over the years. He is known, I mean like "publicy known", and nobody shot the bastard.

Why? Well, the pig is clever enough to hide in his house like a baby and let his ogers do the dirty work. What a wanker! And once again: what a town...


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beyond Dublin - A stabbing in Tipperary

"An altercation" was reason enough for another member of the human race to stab his brethren to death.
Human live seems to be of little value on the Emerald Isle. That's a tradition, and the Irish seem to hold tradition in very high esteem. Guinness, Traditional Irish Music, Storytelling, and Stabbings. Ah bollocks.

Dublin murder rate is one of Europe's highest

Dublin is 5th place of cities with high murder rates in Europe, only topped by Glasgow (4th) and the Baltic states. Wow.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Gangland Attack in Coolock: One man shot dead!

And another one bites the dust:

Coolock is also a place full of good ol' Irish "craic". Lots of social white trash here, jobless generations living of state welfare. During the "boom years" these people did not get more than small, unlearned jobs. They always were poor and poor they'll always stay it seems.

Not worth mentioning that material lacking creates, feeds and breeds intellectual lacking. Stupidity and dumb people prevail here. There be monsters. Rents are cheap, but who'd bother living surrounded by scoundrels and thugs?

5 murders in 10 days! Gory, gory Hallelu-ja!

Our gory friend the Herald comments:

Oh yes, it's not just gangland crime.

The latest example is an ex-soldier, apparently a very nice person who was part of a Donaghmede sport club and just found a job in the fire brigade.

Btw, my train drives through Donaghmede every day.

It is a very sinister, gloomy part of Dublin, jointed to Kilbarrack (the name says it all, he?). Areas like these are known for the "Knackers" (in England they would be called "White Trash") living there. I try to never change trains at Donaghmede, because there are nearly always aggressive youngsters hanging out near the train station. 13 y.o. who drink and do drugs. And who hate foreigners.

This guy wanted to help a friend who had trouble with a loud party. The result? He was stabbed death with a knife.

I saw his mother crying in the evening news tonight. Apparently the blade of the knife broke in his chest and he died on the scene.

Dublin, all hell broke loose over you. The people in this country really freak me out!

Murder in Pearse Street

January 11th, 2010:

2 men were shot death in an apartment in Dublin's Pearse Street. Another related corpse was found dumped at Dublin Airport:;+Two+shot+dead+in+gangland+hit:+KILLERS+BACK+ON+STREETS.-a0216252292

Like almost always, these were drug / gangland related murders.

This promises to become a very bloody year (again).

About this Blog

Dublin stinks. Dublin sucks. Dublin is hell on earth, especially when you live on the northside.

If you consider moving to Dublin, or moving to the northside because rent is cheaper there... well, think twice!

I am astonished by the amount of news about people murdered nearly daily in the greater Dublin area alone - let alone all over Ireland!

I had the idea to collect news on a daily basis and gather this data in a blog. I think in a couple of months, this will paint a mostly interesting picture of Dublin. Think of it as you would think of one of those gory medieval paintings about hell. A collage of terror. Or the sad side of modern Ireland. Think of it as you think of any true "Pulp Fiction": real life is much more terrible than any imagined terror ever will be.